Support us

How you can help us…

Generous sponsorship and funding over the years has allowed us to schedule a wonderfully diverse festival of cultural activities. We have been able to subsidise or waive ticket prices in many instances and, in so doing, can help open up the arts to an audience that may otherwise not experience it. For this we owe many individuals and organisations a great deal of thanks.

We are proud to have been supported by Arts Council England, Award For All Big Lottery Fund, Rother District Council, Battle Town Council, Chalk Cliffe Trust, Heringtons, Southern Energy Solutions, Littlewood, Pinot the Musical, blackShed Gallery.

There are many ways that you can support the festival from volunteering time, to individual giving and sponsorship. To find out more please email



Battle has an incredible volunteer force of organisations, clubs and individuals who do unending work for the good of the town. We would particularly like to thank Battle Museum, St Mary the Virgin Church, Battle Methodist Churt (Emmanuel Centre) and Battle Baptist Church. Also staff at Claverham Community College, Battle & Langton CE Primary School and Battle Memorial Halls, Roy Holland from Holland and Harper, Misa von Tuzelman, Eggs to Apples, Battle Brewery.

Special thanks also to our volunteer steering group who provide much needed support to the Trustees, to John Boyd, Theresa Salter, Robert Emelaeus, Julie Jessop, Helen Baker, Andrew Fuller, Susanne Stanzeleit, Lizzy Furness and Steve Scott.

Finally to Fiona Cornford and Cassia Friello for all they do and to everyone whose contribution has made Battle Festival possible. There are far more than we could ever mention but they are not forgotten.


The Festival is always on the lookout for volunteers who can spare some time supporting the work that we do throughout the year. If you’d like to get involved please contact us via the web form telling us a bit about yourself, what you like to do, any specialist skills that you have and how much time you have available. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

These are just some of the things that our volunteers help with:

  • Venue liaison
  • Copywriting and proofreading
  • Setting up and managing
  • refreshments/bars
  • Front of House
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Marshalling
  • Distribution of programmes
  • Box Office

Support Battle Festival!

Get involved by volunteering, donating, or sponsoring an event. Your support keeps the arts alive in our community.
© Copyright 2024 Battle Festival of Arts and Music. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Charity: 1168104

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