We Won’t Be Druv!is a Sussex expression meaning ‘we won’t be pushed around or told what to do’. In this story a group of children are horrified to learn that the government intends to sell their county in order to solve an(other) economic crisis. Not only are they going to sell the county but it is going to be physically removed and taken bit by bit, town by town, village by village to other parts of the world, leaving a great big hole which the sea will eventually fill. The children mount a secret campaign to confront the government minister responsible, silently leaving their beds in the middle of the night and walking all the way to London (well, actually they got about 5 miles before their parents catch up with them but the adults are so impressed with their children’s commitment that they decide to take them to the Houses of Parliament anyway!). When they get there they confront the minister……..
Link to work to hear extracts http://tonybiggin.com/we-wont-be-druv/